Журнал ROOM. №2 (12) 2017 - page 34

Dr Igor Ashurbeyli
addresses the press
conference in Hong Kong
which was broadcast live
via social media.
The satellite is a first step to fulfilling his plans
to create a planetary-defence constellation to
help protect Earth against asteroids, solar flares
and human-made space debris
four-level orbital constellation and the technical
details will be defined by the country’s Ministry of
Science, which I hope we will have in place by the
autumn of this year.”
All approved applicants for Asgardian
citizenship were invited to vote on a constitution
for the space-based nation on 18 June for the
prompt formation of the admistrative organs of
the proposed state - parliament, government, etc.
Anyone can register as prospective Asgardians
on the website -
In the autumn of this year, Asgardia’s first
satellite will be laucnhed, which will be a marker
for the nation and become the foundation stone
of a permanent presence in space. It will contain
data from up to 1.5 million Asgardians which will
be stored in orbit for free - 300 kB for each of the
first 100,000 citizens of Asgardia, the next 400,000
people will receive 200 kB each, and another one
million people will receive 100 kB.
Dr Ashurbeyli said: “Asgardia will now demonstrate
that space is within our grasp. Last year in Paris
when we launched Asgardia many people were
sceptical that we would ever put anything in space.
But I can confidently announce today, that we will be
launching a space satellite, Asgardia-1.
“Asgardia-1 is our first, small step which we hope
will lead to a giant leap forward for humankind.
It will be our foundation stone, from which we
will look to create an entire oribtal, terrestrial
and lunar constellation that will help protect our
planet and all humanity against threats from outer
space and move on to the borders of the infinite
Asgardia is working to establish a legitimate,
independent first space nation, which will be
recognised by states on Earth and the United
Nations. Whilst “facing towards space and its own
future development”, Dr Ashurbeyli explained
Asgardia required its own constitution, a draft of
which had been developed over the previous six
months with the help of legal experts and others in
the community.
The news followed last October’s announcement
in Paris of the creation of Asgardia and the launch
of the citizenship process. In the first 48 hours
following that announcement over 100,000 people
Asgardia’s first satellite,
Asgardia-1, will launch
this fall on Orbital ATK’s
Cygnus spacecraft, which
will be delivering supplies
to the International Space
Texas-based space services
firm NanoRacks is the satellite’s
prime contractor and operator.
Speaking in Hong Kong to 36 journalists
representing broadcast, print and social media,
as well as hundreds from around the globe who
logged into the live broadcast, Dr Ashurbeyli
said the satellite is a first step to fulfilling
his plans to create a planetary-defence
constellation to help protect Earth against
asteroids, solar flares and human-made space
debris and other space threats.
He also described plans for a space complex
and lunar colony. “We plan to have this station
in space and on the Moon,” he said. “It will be a
Dr Ashurbeyli meets with
local Asgardians in Hong Kong.
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