Журнал ROOM. №2 (12) 2017 - page 109

Space Lounge
This Apollo 15 EVA-2
panorama gives a great
view of the immediate
landing site, with the
Minus Z strut of the
lunar module inside
a small crater, giving
a pronounced tilt and
almost causing the
engine bell to touch
the lunar surface.
Barely visible in the far
distance on the right,
Dave Scott is standing in
front of the lunar rover
adjusting the high-gain
antenna to point directly
at Earth.
The book cover of
‘Apollo: The Panoramas’ -
An evocative black & white panorama
showing what a diverse and geologically
interesting location was chosen for Apollo 15.
Dave Scott can be seen on the slope of Mount
Hadley measuring the size of rocks whilst the
lunar rover, sitting at the bottom of the slope,
has its high gain antenna pointing directly at
Earth. The right side of this panorama is
dominated by the breathtaking Hadley Rille, as
it meanders across the Hadley Plain.
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