Журнал ROOM. №1 (11) 2017 - page 12

Special Report
2016. However, an unspecified ‘structural failure’
occurred at the end of the 96 minute flight. This
spring the case was still under investigation by the
US National Transportation Safety Board.
The use of drones may work well for densely
populated areas but would become expensive
for more sparse regions. A drone has a small
footprint, so many drones would be needed to
cover large areas and, without enough customers
to underwrite the machines, it would become
prohibitively expensive to provide the service.
As a complementary solution to this problem,
Facebook proposes using satellites to cover low
density areas. The satellites would naturally have
lower signal strength and smaller bandwidth
but still provide the requisite coverage. To
complement the hardware, Facebook launched
internet.org - an initiative to create an internet
portal that will be more efficient and require less
data, allowing connectivity even under narrow
bandwidth conditions.
Recently, Facebook also partnered with Paris-
based Eutelsat to lease the Ka transponder on
the AMOS-6 satellite to link disconnected African
regions to the internet but unfortunately, AMOS-
6 was destroyed on the launch pad when its
launch vehicle, the SpaceX Falcon 9, exploded on 1
September 2016.
Orbiting Earth
Both SpaceX and Washington DC-based
OneWeb are working towards satellite-based
solutions, though with some difference in the
detailed approach.
have begun to
with their own
ideas on how
to introduce
global internet
How Google’s Project
Loon will work.
A combination of
platforms at different
altitudes using GEO and
LEO satellites, planes and
cellular towers.
Mt Everest
New trial planned
for Tasmania in
which weather
balloons are used
to carry WiFi
signals to provide
internet to remote
Loon balloon network: Solar-powered, high altitude balloon
uses winds in stratosphere to move in right direction
Balloon sends signals to
neighbouring balloons
Specialised internet antenna on the
ground sends signals to balloon
Signals reach
ground station
connected to local
internet provider
which provides
service through
balloon network
Trunk stations
GEO satellite
35,786KM to Earth,
LEO satellite
400-600KM to Earth
20KM to Earth, quasi-stationary
Radio mast
1KM to Earth, stationary
High speed link
High speed link
Connectivity density
Least dense
Most dense
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