Журнал ROOM. №1 (11) 2017 - page 108

Space Lounge
British space artist Zoe Squires talks
about her love of art and
space - and of how the two combine
in her vivid imagination to produce
stunning ‘spacescapes’ in which
she attempts to capture the hidden
qualities and nature of space.
What inspired you to become interested
in space?
A research role with the Institution of Engineering
and Technology introduced me to world experts in
solar mass ejections and satellite communications,
and I began to learn about the effects of space on
our lives here on Earth - from its influence on our
emotions to the clarity of our telephone calls and
TV reception.
Progress across space technologies means we
are all connected to space, each and every day. My
paintings take this a step further, and couple art
with achievements across engineering technology.
Using images taken by the Hubble Telescope
as my starting point, I began by layering acrylic
colours onto canvas to capture the qualities and
nature of space, in a series of ‘spacescapes’.
Some of my paintings are dramatic, explosive
and unstable and reverberate with pulses of
energy. Others are restful incantations of serenity
and bliss as cloud layers undulate and cocoon
around pockets of glittering stars.
What is it about space that made you
want to paint it?
Space is thrilling, deep, expansive and there for
the most adventurous of intellects to explore. It
offers a myriad of colours that dance, sing and
shimmer against expansive velvet gloom.
Inspired by comic book sci-fi illustrations,
it occurred to me from a young age that space
exploration is the epitome of giving permission
to the human imagination. Seeing images taken
by Hubble, I was struck at the rich variety of
emotions and colours above our head.
I paint with an uninhibited vigour and
freedom, creating luminous images that
vibrate with life, energy and colour. Whether
I am depicting a riotous impression of deep
space, stars and gas clouds or inviting the
onlooker to enter a radiant new world of
abstraction, the vibrant palette and loose
formal structure make my paintings instantly
recognisable and utterly irresistible!
How did you develop your style of
Colour and vibrancy is the backbone of my work.
In everything I see I study and discover richness
and layers of luminosity.
My spacescapes style was invented through
play - immersing myself into Hubble’s imagery,
I let my mind journey into the factual images. I
painted what I saw, not the flat black backdrop
with white stars, but layers and shades of space,
floating shimmering tones and flickering clouds.
I never find painting my spacescapes
daunting but rather comforting in that every
‘Spacescapes’ capture
hidden qualities and
nature of space
Zoe Squires is a young
space artist living in
Hampshire, England. She
graduated with an
Honours degree from
Anglia Ruskin University in
2005 and since then has
worked primarily as
researcher and producer
of charity events whilst
also pursuing her love of
painting and exploring the
world with colour.
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